Assessment of Suitability to provide Care and Accommodation” means the rigorous process by which Clubs acquire, collate, analyse information and make an evidence-based recommendation about the suitability of an applicant to become a registered Care and Accommodation Provider e.g. Host Parent with a specific club. The assessment will be undertaken by a member of staff - or agent, with appropriate knowledge and experience in assessing the suitability of carers providing care for children and young people outside of the family e.g. Host Parents. The member of staff will have completed Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment Training
— CAAAP 2019

The Premiere League’ Care and Accommodation Arrangements for Academy Players February 2019 (CAAAP 2019) recognises that some Clubs have decided to commission companies with expertise of assessment within statutory safeguarding contexts to support their safer recruitment, selection, induction, training and review of their care and accommodation providers. The Premier League does not oblige Clubs to engage such companies, but does note advantages of doing so.

Our clients find value in partnering with experts who support and challenge them to lead best practice in the sector for the assessment and review of their care and accommodation providers. For our clients, the suitability of care and accommodation providers is much more than a clear DBS and a spare bedroom, applicants are required to demonstrate a range of competencies to assure the Club that they can be partners with parental responsibility holders and the Club and are committed to supporting Academy Players to achieve their goals. After becoming a registered provider, continued suitability is subject to a yearly rigorous, evidence-based process which involves meeting minimum training requirements and compliance with the requirements of The Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005, as they apply.